I Want To Get To Know You.

Jennifer, a faithful commenter, told me that I could stop doing this blog because I've accomplished my goal.  First of all, thank you! (giggle!) 

I think I need to re-evaluate my purpose and goal of this blog, because like that one actor said on that "Social Network" movie, "Fashion is never finished."  

I am a mom.  Fashion is certainly not my first priority.  But I'd have to say that feeling good about myself is up there. 

And for me, looking good has a lot to do with feeling good about myself.   

(Shallow?  Hmm...maybe...don't care.)  

Going along with figuring out my mommyhood is adjusting to a new body shape.  My body will never again be the slender prepubescent body it once was (cuz I've always been a bit flat-chested.)  I have give birth in two different ways to two baby boys.  And I'm going to be doing it a few more times, if all goes according to plan. 

You all know how that goes...get married, gain weight.  Get pregnant, gain weight.  Have a baby, lose a little bit of weight.  But not that much.  Spend the next year or two trying to lose weight.  Get pregnant again, gain weight.  And the cycle continues. 

So we must figure out how to dress for our body type!!

It is crucial to our mommy fashion, to figure out the tricks of disguising our problem areas and emphasizing our other great body parts. 

Don't you agree?  We can't always be waiting for that magical day when we 'lose the baby weight.'  

So my new goal for this blog is to inspire the other moms out there to figure out how to dress for their body type, within a reasonable budget. 

(The majority of you are moms with a small clothes budget, right?  Speak up, speak up!) 

This community is important to me, and I value each and all of your comments.  They have already helped me so much and it's only January. 

So answer these questions:
  1. What is your name/blog address?
  2. What would you like to see on this blog?  
  3. What do you need help with?
  4. What is your main fashion goal?

I'll go first:
  1. My name is Heidi from themomuniform.blogspot.com.
  2. I would like to see posts that are geared towards helping moms dress better for themselves and finding their own fashion sense again.
  3. I need help with knowing what things look the best on my body type.
  4. My main fashion goal is to dress in outfits that look good on me, make me feel good about myself, and don't cost very much money.
Now it's YOUR turn! 


Darlene said...

Hi Heidi !

1. My name is Darlene from talesoftayandbay.blogspot.com in Louisiana.
2.I would like to see posts that are geared towards helping moms dress better for themselves and finding their own fashion sense again.
3.I need help with knowing what things look the best on my body type.
4.My main fashion goal is to dress in outfits that look good on me, make me feel good about myself, and don't cost very much money.

OK , I'll admit it - I copied your answers! LOl But you hit it on the head. I lost 25bs 2 yrs ago and treated myself (with hubby's blessing) to new clothes in smaller sizes. I went through my closet and got rid of all the slouchy, ill fitting, body-camoflauging clothes. But now after a bout of depression, my dh being laid off, I have put it all (and more) back on. So now I have had to go buy more yucky big girl clothes! And I have a closet full of skinny girl clothes mocking me every morning when I open the closet. My hubby is now employed, I feel good mentally, and I am getting to where I want to excerise again and start working on making better food choices. But I would like to feel good abt myself now during the long process to lose 30lbs. Thanks for your inspiration.


Nicole said...

1.My name is Nicole, I dont have a blog but I have a store on facebook at etsy called Tuca Luca Silly Lily
2.I like to see your new ideas for clothes. More SHOES! (sorry shoeaholic.... )
3.I need help looking age appropriate (28 years old, mother of two) and not looking like my clothes are two sizes to small or four sizes to big.
4.To not look like i rolled out of bed, put anything on and then realized I had spit up running down teh back of my shirt.

The Unglamorous Mommy said...

1) My name is Lisa and I'm The Unglamorous Mommy! www.theunglamorousmommy.com

2) I'd like to see some cute ideas for outfits for the days that I can put on something other than stretchy pants and a poop stained shirt.

3) I have that horrible flabby stomach that comes with having a watermelon sized person inside of you. How do I find clothes that fit but don't make me look like the muffin man in them?

4) I want to look cute, nothing over the top, it needs to be practical, but cute. Does that make any sense??

Love the blog!

Jenn(ifer) said...

1. Hi, my name is Jenn(ifer) [thanks for the shoot out], my blog is heim-elich.blog.de and I am from Germany and at the got married and gained some weight stage...
2. I am all into DIY and decorating blogs (not at all into fashion blogs), I found your "old" blog when i fell in love with the hard candy quilt. I would like to continue to see your cute outfit ideas and you keeping up this quest in spite of all the things going on in your life. It motivates me to try harder every day when choosing what to wear (instead of looking in the mirror in the middle of the day and wishing i would have spend 5 minutes more on that in the morning).
3. the motivation mentioned in # 2 (unfortunately I can't buy the things you mention... but I like the "what I would wear" a lot too, just for inspiration)
4. feeling good about myselfe

Anonymous said...

The most important thing to remember is not to feel defeated, you need to continue exercising even if you are not able to accomplish as much as you hoped right away. You will eventually get there; you’ll start to feel healthier, and have a sense of pride in your commitment to your health.

cooking tips

Melanna said...

Hi Heidi,

1) My name is Melanna from rhapsodyofcacophony.blogspot.com in Canada

2) I'd like to see ideas of how to look cute and practical on a budget. And I mean a budget, not those sites they say "100 under $100" but it's all single pieces that are $99 eah and you have to put 5 of them together to actually have an outfit.

3) I need the most help with this dilemma: I'm a stay at home mom with a 6 month old and a two year old. Which means it makes no sense for me to buy heels and dresses. I'm still nursing one, so I feel like all my clothes have to work around that, but it's also so temporary. So, in 6 months when I stop nursing I will go back to having a flat chest and being able to wear layered, hard-to-get-into type shirts again. So what to do in that awkward stage of being a size I will probably never be again, with easy access (ha!), but then not spend too much money, as I have none (or at least very little)? Is there even a way to get pieces (besides shoes) that can be used after I'm done with this stage? And in 6 months when my mat-leave is done, I may be heading back to work (part-time) so how do I mix all that in?
4) My main goal? Not look like such a schlump when I get out of bed and throw on jeans and a t-shirt (again). Is there anything besides Jeans and t-shirts?? Oh and get out of my maternity shirts. They're the smaller ones, but I feel stuck in them because no regular shirts fit in length or the boob area unless they're huge. Blah!

Jamie said...

1. I am Jamie from davidandjamiepearson.blogspot.com. I'm not a mom (someday!) but just a poor newlywed college student.
2. I would like to see posts on creating a fashion sense and wardrobe for someone with little money and limited get-ready-for-the-day time. Basically, cute, easy stuff.
3. I need help finding things that are fashionable, but still comfortable for me and my (shy-ish) personality.
4. My main fashion goal is to get away from what I have worn for the last 7 years (start of high school. EEK) Solid color t-shirts and jeans, with a ponytail. I want to be able to feel good in what I wear, and be comfortable with it. Oh, and not spending much would be nice too!

Abigail said...

1. What is your name/blog address?
I am Abbi from Musings of Mother @ abbischmidt.blogspot.com
2. What would you like to see on this blog?
Exactly what you're already doing. (I'm easy, what can I say!)
3. What do you need help with?
Dressing myself! I have been a pediatric clinic office manager for almost 3 years and I wear scrubs every day. I have no idea how to dress myself outside of wearing scrubs. Jeans and a t-shirt is how I roll most of the time!
4. What is your main fashion goal?
To look presentable! My body is finally getting back to where it needs to be (after having 3 kiddos and no more in sight!) and I want to have fun and feel good in other clothing besides scrubs, and jeans/t-shirt!!!

Amie {Kitty Cats and Airplanes} said...

1. What is your name/blog address?
I'm Amie and I blog at kittycatsandairplanes.blogspot.com
2. What would you like to see on this blog?
I like it the way it is right now!
3. What do you need help with?
I totally need help with seeing new ways to use one accessory/piece of clothing multiple ways. I always seems to wear the same outfit and I want to know how to branch out with the pieces I have!
4. What is your main fashion goal?
To be presentable and not get any "What in the wo-...nice outfit!"

Valerie said...

1. My name is Valerie and I have no blog
2. I like what you do already!
3. I need help knowing what's fashionable, looking attractive without looking trampy, and help being creative! I'm one of those who will copy-cat mannequins.
4. Fashion goal: find my style while I have my body back in shape and before I have to get pregnant again! Nothing's worse than fat AND frumpy. Maybe I can be fat and fabulous next time!

Rachel@ A Little Bit of Ray said...

1. My name is Rachel, my blog is littlebitofray.blogspot.com (A Little Bit of Ray)
2. I like seeing outfits and really like what you've done so far
3. I need help with dressing for my post-baby flabby body while I get back into shape and probably after b/c post mom bodies are like road maps, you can try to get it folded again but its never the same
4. Fashion goal: To get dressed, take risks, make mistakes and learn about my style now

Katie @ HunnyBee Blog said...

1. My Name is Katie from HunnyBee Blog @ katieedean.blogspot.com
2. Great, inexpensive places to shop online and locally. Maybe even some coupons.
3. I need help with everything!! I extremely miss-shaped. I also need help with quick, easy, cute hairstyles. When we cut our spending, my hair appointments went right out the door.
4. Get out of the comfort zone with the hoodies, blue jeans, tennis shoes and a pony tail. I want to be comfortable and look good. I also need help with self confidence.

Alyssa said...

1. My name is Alyssa and I'm from moda-chic-boutique.blogspot.com.
2. I would love to see different inexpensive out-fits!
3. I need help with finding inexpensive places to shop! I haven't bought my self clothes in a long time because I can't find anything for my budget!!
$. To LOOK GOOD! Find out-fits that work for my body shape. (Pear)

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